Thursday, May 19, 2011

professor layton and the diabolical box Review


Archaeology tells a professor named Hershel Layton and his protege, luke triton. Layton received a letter from his colleague, Andrew Schrader myth about a box that if opened, then the opening will die. they will go through many hurdles in the form of puzzles that are fun (for the next story, please maenkan own, guaranteed fun)

for the gameplay itself, fairly simple. we will be given a puzzle and certainly, should be able to finish it. can not be resolved? take it easy, you can complete the puzzle at a later time (unless the puzzle that affect the storyline, so the puzzle that must be resolved to continue storynya).

to sound, in my opinion is also good, especially for lovers of instrumental songs like me. using a unique accordion sound, makes this game has a characteristic in soundnya and also, sound puzzling at that time can make us a bit relaxed, so that an added value because it can help us not to tense

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