Wednesday, April 6, 2011

C.O.R.E. Review


The story begins in 2028, when a large meteor impact California's Mojave Desert. Over the next two decades, a secret research facility built to examine the origin of extraterrestrial and strange effects that the meteor is having on the natural environment and the people who come in contact with it. The game takes place twenty years after the arrival of meteors on Earth, 2048 when all communication is lost with the CORE facility. Special Technology Unit, an elite unit of U.S. marines sent to investigate and re-establish contact. Players take control of the sea Jason Crane. Crane fights its way through several levels when most of his fellow soldiers who were killed or mutated, including the captain. In the main laboratory, Crane found ARG radiation, which can speed up chemical reactions or slow them down to "almost no existence." After the Stork reaches the command center, he met and killed Col. R. Nightley. Nightley protocol then sets off a self destruct and destroy the facility. Crane is able to escape into the service tunnel and make a trip to a cave system. At the end of the caves, he found a meteor that fell twenty years earlier. The weapon is absorbed by a meteor and Crane teleport in it. Meteor turns out to be an alien ship. Some residents came out of stasis and return power to the ship. But the crane managed to destroy the core of the ship and escape. After finishing the game is considered an epilogue that suggests that Crane watched as the alien ship lifts out of the ground. This then suggests that there are thousands of other ships that appear around the world. The game ended on a note that, "and so the war began," implying a possible sequel.

The game includes local multiplayer game cartridge through the use of either single or multiple cartridges. This does not, however, include support for online multiplayer. Multiplayer features include Deathmatch, Team Arena and Capture the Flag, all spread over ten maps. It has support for up to 4 players using the Single-Card Play mode. It has the usual features first-person shooter, such as spawning powerups and weapons.

The game includes 8 different weapons: a pistol, shotgun, assault rifle, plasma rifle, beam rifle, shock rifle, rocket launcher, and an unspecified weapon. The game has jumping, full-scale 360 degree movement/view and alternate fire modes for some of the weapons. 

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