One day the player character meets Dan Kuso, fighter Battle, who taught him the rules against Shuji. (In the DS version, you get Pyrus Serpeniod to start with. In all other versions, you get Serpenoid, Juggerniod, & an appropriate Saurus attributes that you pick in the beginning of the game). After going to the local store & meet Alice, who suggested the player had to fight with another fighter in the park to get BP (Bakugan Points, game money) which Bakugan unusual thing called Leonidas fell from the sky, which is now a used mate of the player. (Attribute Leonidas' depending on what attributes you pick). Leonidas is known & aggressive Bakugan created by all the hatred & anger missing stuck in Bakugan Doom Dimension. In some fights the player will meet plenty of people, but simultaneously users Darkus, whose name was Marduk, decided to rule the whole Bakugan together with Vladitor, Bakugan others suddenly appear.
In the video game, different Bakugan have different special assaults, which can be activated after a full special meter. Special assaults do various things, such as knocking off from Bakugan gate card or shoot in to the air to reach the platform.
Bakugan Battle is different from the anime series and general rules. At first take a gate card, which will land in the field. Then you ought to target goals on the battlefield (such as gate card or item), select of your Bakugan and threw them to where you require them to throw. It is feasible to either let directly get at gate card or to move it to an item, trampoline, or other location that will give you additional Bakugan G-power.
When Bakugan stand at gate card battle begins. Now you can activate the card the ability to power-ups you Bakugan even further or to fine-tune the rules of engagement. The struggle itself is not over of different mini-games (shooting, shaking, pressing the button at the right time and combat power in the play station and). With the help of these mini-games either Bakugan get more G-Power, who decided after that who will win the fight.
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